By Zohar Gonen

Judah the Maccabee, the third son of Mattathias the Hasmonean, rose as a warrior and leader during one of the darkest periods in Jewish history. In 167 BC, the Greek ruler Antiochus IV Epiphanes unleashed a campaign of cultural and religious oppression against the Jewish people. Jewish worship was outlawed, the Temple was desecrated, and adherence to Torah commandments was punishable by death. Faced with this existential threat, Judah and his family led a revolt that secured the survival of Jewish faith and traditions.
In 2 Maccabees 10:7, Judah’s triumphal return to Jerusalem after liberating the Temple is described with vivid imagery:
“With ivy-wreathed wands and beautiful branches, and also fronds of palm, they offered hymns of thanksgiving to Him who had brought the cleansing of His own Temple to a glorious outcome.”
The use of palm branches in this celebration was deeply symbolic. Palm fronds had long been associated with victory, renewal and divine blessings in Jewish tradition, echoing the annual rejoicing of Sukkot. Judah and his followers embarked on the celebration of Sukkot for eight days.
Antiochus's brutal antisemitism was aimed at erasing Jewish identity through the Hellenization of the Jewish population.
Just as Antiochus targeted the Jews then, so also antisemitism still threatens Jewish expression today, whether through violent attacks on Jewish individuals, targeting synagogues, desecration of Jewish graves, or more subtle forms of hostility like discrimination. The fear of openly being seen as Jewish or Israeli is increasing throughout many parts of the world.
The courage of Judah and his family serves as a reminder that Jewish people must fight for the right of simply being Jewish or Israeli without having a target on their backs. Symbols of redemption—like the palm branches during the original Hanukkah—remind us that the true Messiah, Yeshua, will one day abolish antisemitism once and for all under His governance, and the Jewish people will enjoy the peace and prosperity they always longed for.
Judah’s victories were miraculous, yet the establishment of the Hasmonean dynasty that followed introduced a new set of challenges. After Judah’s death in 160 BC, his brothers, particularly Simon, assumed leadership and secured autonomy for Judea. The Hasmoneans combined the offices of king and high priest, uniting political and religious authority.
While initially celebrated for their achievements, the dynasty became increasingly corrupt over the years. The Hasmonean rulers often sought alliances with foreign powers, like the Romans, which compromised Jewish independence. They engaged in internal power struggles and abandoned the spiritual values that had defined the Maccabean revolt. By the first century BC, their governance had devolved into tyranny, eroding the integrity of the leadership of Israel. The very family that had fought to preserve Jewish identity became a symbol of its betrayal.
This decline contrasts starkly with the incorruptible nature of Yeshua, the eternal King-Priest. Yeshua’s priesthood, described in Hebrews 7:17 as “in the order of Melchizedek,” is not tied to political ambition or human frailty. Unlike the Hasmoneans, Yeshua’s kingship is rooted in justice and divine authority.
In John 12:13, Yeshua’s entry into Jerusalem is marked by the waving of palm branches, echoing the celebration of Judah’s victories:
“They took palm branches and went out to meet Him, shouting, ‘Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the King of Israel!’”
While the palm branches of Judah’s time celebrated a temporary military victory, those waved for Yeshua symbolised an eternal spiritual triumph. Yeshua, as the King-Priest, fulfilled the roles of both leader (king) and intercessor (priest) without corruption or compromise. His reign brings not only freedom from oppression but also the promise of eternal peace and restoration for the nation of Israel and to the rest of the world.
The story of Hanukkah reminds us of the fragility of human leadership and the enduring strength of divine promises. The Hasmonean dynasty’s descent into corruption is a tragic reminder of the human corrupt nature, while Yeshua’s unblemished priesthood offers hope for a kingdom that will never falter.
During Hanukkah, Jewish people around the world light the Hanukkiah (the menorah with eight candles) and place them on the windowsill to show the desire of the Jewish people to be a light in the world. It also speaks of the resilience of the Jewish identity and faith in the face of adversity. The palm branches waved in victory during Judah’s time and in anticipation of the coming kingdom during Yeshua’s last days before execution, are an expression of an ancient hope for an awesome King and a glorious kingdom to come.
Hanukkah calls us to honour the past, confront the challenges of the present, and look forward to the ultimate reign of Yeshua, our King-Priest, whose justice and righteousness will never fail.